南京,六朝古都,十朝都会,文化底蕴深厚;南京,城市山林,烟火人情,钟灵毓秀;南京的人文底蕴,生态底色在东原 “未来、生态、生态、主见”主张下,衍生出了 “自然沉浸,健康假日” 的居住理念,旨在通过沉浸式都市生态度假氛围感,引领未来生活方式。在场地里,我们运用纯粹朴实的线条勾勒出人们所追寻的现代生活,将山水人文融于现代生活体验之中,在场地中寻求一份悠闲自然的心境。
Nanjing was the capital city for many dynasties in the past, rich in cultural legacies; Nanjing has both a big city and forest, beautiful in environment. Dowell Group has a “Futuristic, Ecological, and Subjective” approach to ecological design which introduces a residential ideal of “natural immersive, healthy holiday”. Such futuristic living vision guides us to use simple design language to present an admirable modern lifestyle. An ideal place for residents to enjoy nature is a great place to live.